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Press Statement by NCCK Coast Regional Conference


                                                                   Unite to Build Our Counties

                                                                   Press Statement

The Regional Conference of the NCCK Coast Region meeting here at Jumuia Conference and Beach Resort, Kanamai, from 4th to 6th June 2018 under the theme United for Progress. The Regional Conference is the supreme governance organ in the region and meets once every three years. More than one hundred and thirty delegates from the Member Churches of the NCCK in Mombasa, Kilifi, Tana River, Lamu, Taita Taveta and Kwale counties are participating in this Conference.

During this Conference, we drew lessons from a study of Luke 19: 1 – 10, and especially took note of verse 8:

But Zaccaeus stood up and said to the Lord, “Look, Lord! Here and now I give half of my possessions to the poor, and if I have cheated anybody out of anything, I will pay back four times the amount”.

Recognizing the peace and calm that is prevailing following the tumultuous General Elections, we appreciate that Kenya is at an opportune moment for real transformation, but that will only happen if we as a people choose to break away from the past and take on a new life. We especially noted the following areas:

1. Unite Kenyans to Eradicate Corruption
This Regional Conference recognizes that corruption is a cancer that is progressively killing our nation. We must deal with it or the entire nation perishes. It is especially notable that corruption is the nursery in which all other terrors and horrors in a nation are germinated and nurtured. The problems our region has faced, which include terrorism, radicalization of the youth, massive poverty, poor service delivery and hopelessness among the people all trace their origins back to the inequality and injustice that arises from corruption. It is appreciable that if the colossal amounts of money stolen through corruption were used for public good, Kenya as a nation would be transformed.
This Regional Conference therefore embraces and reiterates the position taken by the NCCK Executive Committee which recommended that the government:
(a) Declares corruption a national disaster and intensify action and campaign against it
(b) Offer past corruption offenders an amnesty from prosecution if they return what they stole and also name those who they partnered with in the stealing
(c) Change the punishment for corruption to life imprisonment
(d) Ruthlessly enforce asset recovery to take back what any person has acquired through corruption
(e) Reform the anti corruption agencies so that they are designed to actually be effective against corruption

It is in this regard that we commend the current actions being taken to expose corruption scandals and prosecute the suspected offenders, and we pray that this will not prove to be a mere Public Relations shows as has happened in the past.

2. Unite to Address Radicalisation
This Regional Conference laments that radicalization of youths and adults into radical groups and terrorism continues unabated in our counties. This practice continues unabated due to the fact that the factors that drive people into radicalism remain unresolved. We especially note the following:

(a) Poverty, whereby people lack basic needs and therefore are incited to believe that violence to remove the current leadership is a viable solution to their misery
(b) Sense of Exclusion and Discrimination, whereby people look at other regions and counties and see citizens there enjoying what they don’t have, and therefore feel excluded from national life
(c) Incitement by politicians, who tell the people that they are suffering due to discrimination by the national government or oppression by other communities
(d) Anger then builds in the youth who feel helpless to deal with the situation, and therefore easily turn to terrorism groups to receive military training in readiness for war against the government

This Regional Conference takes note these factors that drive people into extremism are matters that should be dealt with by County Governments. We challenge the County Governors to take their mandates seriously and know that they have to change direction, and stop spending their time politicking and strategizing for 2022 elections. There is need to empower the people to build their own lives and overcome poverty. We especially call for special attention to be put on improving education facilities and standards in our counties.

On our part, we have committed to use our church forums and structures to mobilize communities to hold the county and national governments to account for effective service delivery so as to eradicate the poverty and sense of exclusion afflicting our people.

3. Unite to Promote National Cohesion
This Regional Conference appreciates that the agreement between President Uhuru Kenyatta and Rt Honourable Raila Amolo Odinga to work for national unity has injected sobriety in the nation. It has allowed us to move on from the violence and tension that characterized the 2017 General Elections. As a nation, we now have an opportunity to unite and build on our cohesiveness. We therefore challenge all politicians to change tact and reform their political ideology to one that is premised on service to citizens, rather than fomenting divisions and conflicts between people. On our part, we will use our forums to educate our people to reject politicians who preach hatred and ethnic divisions as a route to power.

Towards this, we encourage that an inclusive and legally founded national dialogue process be established. The process should be undertaken at both national and county levels, and will help identify necessary reforms to safeguard the future.

4. Unite to Enhance Disaster Preparedness and Mitigation
This Regional Conference has noted with sorrow the impact that the current rains have had on the nation. Our region continues to be greatly affected both by the rains in the area and also by flood waters from other regions. It is emerging very clearly that there is a glaring lack of preparedness on the part of both levels of government for such events, which has caused massive loss of lives and destruction of property. In addition, we have noted that the responses by both national and county governments are grossly inadequate, and more needs to be done for the survivors to rebuild their lives. On our part, we will continue to pray for and provide material support to the affected communities and families.

We therefore call upon His Excellency the President and the County Governors to unite and mobilize their governments to put in place practical disaster preparedness measures. We especially note that weather is often cyclical, and so after the rains we can expect extended drought. It is important that we prepare for that so that lives are not lost when it happens.

5. New Leadership Team
This Regional Conference is honored to announce that as provided for in the NCCK Constitution, a new leadership team has been elected. The following have been elected to the County Coordinating Committees:
County Chairperson
Mombasa Bishop Peter John Katana
Kwale Rev Peter Mwero
Kilifi Canon John Ruwa
Tana River Rev Edward Mwikamba
Lamu Bishop Damson Kamau
Taita Taveta Rev Edward Mwamburi

Further, we are honoured to inform our members and the general public that the following have been elected to the Regional Committee to serve for the next three years:
Name Position
Chairman Rt Rev Dr Lawrence Dena
Vice Chair Bishop James K Ziro (HSC)
Honorary Treasurer Ven Dr Dorcas Kiundu
Women Representative Mrs Mary Komora
Youth Representative Harrison Mwero
Differently Abled Persons Rep Jeniffer Mwakisha

As we conclude, we take to heart the message of Psalms 133: 1 – “How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity!” Let us all take whatever actions we can to build unity so that God blesses our region and the entire nation, just as we pray through the National Anthem:

O God of all Creation
Bless this our land and nation
Justice be our shield and defender
May we dwell in unity
Peace and liberty
Plenty be found within our borders

Signed on this 6th June 2018 at Jumuia Conference and Beach Resort, Kanamai.

Rt Rev Dr Lawrence Dena
Regional Chairman, NCCK Coast Region

January 2025

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  • Address: 3rd Fr, Jumuia Place, Lenana road, Nairobi
  • Address: P. O. Box 45009 – 00100, Nairobi
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