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Press Statement by Ncck Nairobi Regional Conference


Kiambu County Governor Ferdinand Waititu poses for a group photo with NCCK leadership in Nairobi region during the Council’s Regional Conference in Limuru Kiambu county

                                                               Unify Kenyans for Betterment of Life

                                                               Press Statement
The Regional Conference of the NCCK Nairobi Region met here at Jumuia Conference and Country Home, Limuru, from 17th to 19th June 2018 under the theme Reconciling People, Nurturing Families – That all may be one (Ephesians 2: 14). The Regional Conference is the supreme governance organ in the region and meets once every three years. More than 400 delegates from the member churches and organisations in Nairobi, Kiambu, Garissa, Wajir and Mandera counties participated. Our deliberations were guided by the theme verse (Ephesians 2: 14)

“For He Himself is our peace, who has made the two groups one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility”

Building on the presentations by various speakers, we reflected on our role in the society. We recognized that the challenges that Kenya has experienced over time arise from the political, ethnic and economic divisions that we perpetrate against each other. It is our hope and prayer that as Kenyans we will accept the unifying salvation of Jesus. To promote and nurture the oneness of Kenyans, and moreso the residents of the counties in our region, we wish to recommend the following:

1. Take Serious Measures to Eradicate Corruption
We recognize that corruption is a cancer that is progressively killing our nation. It must be excised. It is quite sad that for fifty years, Kenyans have been taken for a ride by different episodes of government who claim to abhor and fight corruption while in essence entrenching it further. The latest instance is where the public was informed that there was fraud touching on more than 9 billion Kenya Shillings at the National Youth Service, yet the cases currently in court amount to 430 million Kenya Shillings. Who stole the other 8.5 billion shillings? Or are Kenyans only being treated to a Public Relations activity whose intention is to shield the real perpetrators?

In this regard, this Regional Conference reiterates the position taken by the NCCK Executive Committee which recommended that:
(a) Corruption is declared a national disaster so as to intensify action and campaign against it
(b) Past corruption offenders are offered an amnesty from prosecution for one year if they return what they stole and also name those who they partnered with in the stealing
(c) Change the punishment for corruption to life imprisonment
(d) Ruthlessly enforce asset recovery to take back what any person has acquired through corruption
(e) Reform the anti corruption agencies so that they are designed to actually be effective against corruption
We especially call for the disbanding of the Ethics and Anti Corruption Commission and have the investigative mandate transferred to the Directorate of Criminal Investigations, enforcement mandate to the National Police Service, and prosecution mandate to the Directorate of Public Prosecutions.

Further, we urge all Judges and Magistrates to stop making courtrooms the safe haven of the corrupt. We recommend that corruption cases be heard and decided upon speedily, always keeping in mind what the Bible says in Ecclesiastes 8: 11 – “When the sentence for a crime is not quickly carried out, the hearts of the people are filled with schemes to do wrong”.

On their part, we call upon our brothers and sisters in the National Police Service and other law enforcement agencies to transform and stop being bribe reception centers. May we remind you what the Bible has to say about those who make bribery their culture:

Woe to those who are heroes at drinking wine and champions at mixing drinks, who acquit the guilty for a bribe, but deny justice to the innocent. Therefore, as tongues of fire lick up straw and as dry grass sinks down in the flames, so their roots will decay and their flowers blow away like dust (Isaiah 5: 22)

The corruption you are engaging in will destroy not only your life, but the lives of your children and their children. Ultimately generations will be lost, so change now and do justice to all.

Towards this, we call upon all Kenyans to exercise moral responsibility and resist giving bribes.

2. Address the Real Needs of the People
This Regional Conference appreciates that the agreement between His Excellency President Uhuru Kenyatta and former Prime Rt Minister Hon Raila Odinga to work for unity in the country has given a much needed relief from emotive politics. We now call upon all public officials to concentrate their efforts on addressing the real needs of the people, which include:

(a) Rehabilitate transport and communication infrastructure, which was quite bad even before the just ended rainy season, so that people can move and transact their businesses efficiently
(b) Employ effective garbage collection and management strategies. It is a shame that our county governments are forcing our people to live in garbage heaps like swine.
(c) Ensure continuous and adequate supply of safe and clean water to the residents. The drama surrounding the Ndakaini Dam is disgusting and we call for a thorough inquiry on the cause of the constant water rationing. County officials who are not able to project the water needs of the residents and plan for the same should resign or be fired immediately.
(d) Urgently expand the network of health facilities especially in Garissa, Mandera, Marsabit and Wajir to address the challenge of mothers who die at child birth, and stop suffering of our people in the counties by increasing the number of fully vaccinated children
(e) Include interventions on Non Communicable Diseases in the county health budgets
(f) Enhance security measures in the nation, including tough action being taken on perpetrators of defilement of young children as well as expansion of the youth engaged in alcohol and substance abuse who are most prone to engagement in crime
(g) Promotion of climate change adaptation especially planting of trees in our counties
(h) Create a conducive environment for economic empowerment of the people as this will reduce the challenge of unemployment

3. Resolve the IEBC Crisis
This Regional Conference has noted with concern the continuing crisis at the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC). As is provided for in the Constitution of Kenya 2010, the primary mandate of the IEBC is to ensure that Kenya can hold free, fair and credible elections whenever the need arises. Unfortunately, the IEBC as currently constituted is unable to deliver credible presidential elections should the need arise. This is a dangerous situation for the nation to be in, and we call upon the Members of Parliament to have a joint process through which the law is amended to provide clear guidelines on what should be done when a Commissioner of the IEBC resigns. We further advice the Attorney General to seek an interpretation of the Constitution on this matter at the Supreme Court of Kenya should Parliament not act on time.

4. Reconsider the National Budget
This Regional Conference has followed closely the discussions touching on the National Budget presented by the Cabinet Secretary for Treasury. We are concerned that if the proposed measures are implemented, the residents of our counties and the entire nation will be affected negatively. We especially note that:
(a) The proposals will radically increase direct and indirect taxation of the common mwananchi
(b) The proposals favour big corporations and high income earners while oppressing the middle and low income earners
(c) The proposals do not have incentives to enhance the economic status of low income earners
(d) The proposals do not have incentives to expand the productivity or international marketing of the informal sector, yet that is where a majority of Kenyans derive their livelihoods and it has the potential to cure the balance of trade deficit
(e) The proposal to remove the interest rates cap will only favour banks as the country will revert to old days when interests rates were higher than 28%, which stifled economic growth and entrenched corruption as people plundered institutions in search of funds for personal development
Overall, the proposals in this budget will radically increase the cost of living and conduct of business, and so we urge the Cabinet Secretary to reconsider the budget and make it pro-poor.

5. Protect Kenyans
This Regional Conference is greatly shocked at the casual manner in which the national government is treating the issue of consumer products adulteration. Reports from our congregations indicate that individuals who use Carbide to ripen fruits are known, yet no action has been taken against them. Currently, our people are at a loss as to whether to take sugar or not, with reports that some people have adulterated it with mercury and copper. Why are the perpetrators of these crimes against humanity not being arrested and prosecuted? The government needs to take its responsibility of ensuring food security in terms of quantity, quality and safety seriously.

We call for immediate restructuring of the Kenya Bureau of Standards to get rid of all the staff who’ve been compromised to endanger Kenyan lives, as well as the Kenya Revenue Authority who allow contraband goods with unchecked chemical levels from other nations into the country.

6. New Leadership Team
This Regional Conference is honored to announce that as provided for in the NCCK Constitution, new members were elected to the Regional Committee. The new members are:

Name Position
Chairman Rt Rev Julius Wanyoike
Vice Chairperson Rev Simon Kamande
Honorary Treasurer Susie Agoi
Women Representative Janet Mwaura
Youth Representative Rev Joel Mwangi
Persons with Disabilities Representative Rev Dawn Gikandi

We conclude by reminding the residents of our counties and the entire nation that when we unite, we are able to solve all challenges and improve our lives. Let us always remember the words of our National Anthem:

Let all with one accord, in common bond united, build this our nation together. And the glory of Kenya, the fruit of our labour, fill every heart with thanksgiving.

Signed on this 19th day of June 2018 at Jumuia Conference and Country Home, Limuru

Bishop Julius Wanyoike
Regional Chairman, NCCK Nairobi Region

January 2025

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