Citizen-led demand for accountability and commitment
February 12, 2024

Citizen-led demand for accountability and commitment
Press Statement
The National Council of Churches of Kenya (NCCK) in partnership with the Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops (KCCB) and the Supreme Council of Kenya Muslims (SUPKEM) in Nairobi Region have held a forum to analyze the priorities of county governments of Kiambu and Nairobi in line with the pre-election peoples’ manifestos. The delegates represent the clergy, youth leaders, women leaders, the bodaboda association, and persons with disability.
Having considered the state of affairs in Nairobi and Kiambu Counties, we now wish to share the following message.
Firstly, we commend the two county governments for the services they have delivered to the citizens thus far. In Nairobi, we appreciate HE Sakaja for the Dishi na County school feeding programme, digitalization of services, single business permit for business operators, and the plan to decentralize the county public services through the administrative Boroughs which is also well captured in the County Integrated Development Plan
In Kiambu County, we commend HE Kimani Wamatangi for the increased employment of the youth as traffic marshalls to ease traffic congestion on major town roads, improved garbage management, and good management of county markets.
- Education
As residents of Nairobi, we recommend a well-laid-out policy guide on the implementation of the Nairobi County school feeding program which will address the big questions on the transparency of the management of the pool of funds contributed by parents towards the programme as well as the other sources of funding for the programme.
ECDE teachers should be fully absorbed by the county governments and employed directly by the Teachers Service Commission.
We are deeply concerned with how the bursaries are disbursed in the counties. We highly recommend the consolidation of bursaries as one fund as compared to having each elected leader issuing bursaries in their respective offices.
- Order in the City
As outlined in the Hon Sakaja manifesto about restoring dignity to the people of Nairobi, we urge the county government to work hand in hand with the hawkers in Nairobi to relocate them to suitable spaces where they can operate peacefully.
- Healthcare
On health matters, the transition from NHIF to SHIF and the fate of the previous remittances by the citizens should be clear. The e-citizen payment platform is not efficient because of delays in accessing medical services, especially in cases of emergency.
- Public Participation
We have noted with dissatisfaction the way public participation is conducted. We want the details of the public participation forum to be made readily available to the public. The advertisements of the forums should be publicized in a timely manner to ensure that citizens have ample time to prepare and engage meaningfully. It is not enough to collect opinions and let the views of the public be acted upon.
- Corruption
We continue to strongly condemn the corruption exhibited in both counties and we urge the county governments to adhere to the EACC filing of expenditures. We demand auditing of revenue collection to seal the loopholes of corruption in the county governments.
We recommend timely access to information and the provision of comprehensive information on both county governments’ websites for the residents to follow progress and generate queries where they arise.
We recommend that the county government develop and avail to the public simplified tools to track the implementation of their manifestos. The County government should provide platforms to the citizens to audit the progress of the County leadership in delivering their promises to the citizens.
In conclusion, we urge the residents of Nairobi County to embrace social accountability and hold all duty-bearers accountable.
Tunakashifu utepetevu wa maafisa wa serikali ya kaunti pamoja na wale wa NEMA, uliopelekea maafa na uharibifu wa mali katika mkasa wa moto uliotokea Embakasi. Tunataka haki itendeke na walioathirika wafidiwe.
We strongly urge the Governors to implement the manifestos they presented to the citizens before the 2022 general elections. We encourage you to continue building our county.
Signed on this 9th February 2024 at Ufungamano House, Nairobi
Rev Dr Alphonse Kanga
National Council of Churches of Kenya