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Maintain Pressure for Good Governance

Maintain Pressure for Good Governance

Press Statement


Religious leaders drawn from the National Council of Churches of Kenya, the Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops, and the Supreme Council of Kenya Muslims in Nairobi County have met here at Ufungamano House, Nairobi, to review the state of service delivery in the county and the nation. The meeting was inspired by the prayer we always make through our National Anthem:

Let all with one accord, in common bond united, build this our nation together

And the glory of Kenya, the fruit of our labour, fill every heart with thanksgiving

Recognizing that Kenya is going through a difficult and challenging moment, we now share the following message with the residents of Nairobi County and the entire nation.

1.         Serve Nairobians, Not Just Your Pockets

We are gravely disappointed that despite reportedly collecting more than a billion shillings in revenue, Nairobi County is worse than it was before the current government took office two years ago. The city is characterized by uncollected garbage, poor delivery of basic services such as water, discrimination in infrastructural projects whereby roads are only repaired selectively, rampant corruption, and a chaotic Central Business District. Our beloved city has lost its glamour, and is no longer attracting new investors who instead prefer to go to neighboring countries.

We now demand that His Excellency Johnson Sakaja, the County Governor, speedily transforms the government so as to deliver services and resources to the people of Nairobi. It is time to remove the cartels in City Hall and instead build structures for people-centered development.

Dear Governor, instill order in the Central Business District, clean out corruption in the county government, clear rubbish from the CBD and the estates, and create a healthy business environment for all. Then you will prosper, and will leave a wholesome legacy when your term comes to an end.

2.         Demand for Better Governance

On their part, we call upon all the residents of Nairobi County to increase the demand for better governance by responsibility holders at national and county levels. We must go beyond complaining in our small cocoons and make our voices heard.

We therefore encourage all citizens to attend public participation forums, in addition to participating in any other peaceful processes to present our priorities and demands to responsibility holders. As citizens, we must always remember that politicians are selfishly pursuing only their interests, not the interests of the people.

3.         Stop Killing Kenyans

It is now with deep concern that we call upon the government of His Excellency President William Ruto to stop killing Kenyans with policies and laws that threaten the lives and future of the citizens. We especially highlight the following:

a)         Revert to NHIF until the SHIF is ready

It is extremely saddening for us the clergy to watch the massive suffering by our worshippers who are unable to access medical care following the abrupt suspension of the National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF). People are dying. For how long will this continue?

We call upon the Social Health Authority (SHA) to revert to the NHIF so as to facilitate a seamless transition to the Social Health Insurance Fund (SHIF). The SHA should change focus from the funds to be deducted from the citizens and instead concentrate on ensuring service delivery to the people.

b)         Revert to the old university funding model

Across the country, thousands of university students have failed to report to their institutions due to the confusion created by the new funding model. What was so wrong with the previous model that it had to be changed so abruptly and without adequate public participation?

We call upon the Ministry of Education to ensure financing of all the students so that they get equipped to assume their positions in society.

c)         Withdraw all the oppressive agriculture related bills

We are deeply concerned that the Members of the National Assembly have allowed themselves to be used to legislate oppressive agriculture-related bills that threaten the food security of our nation. We demand for immediate withdrawal of all the 9 bills. Agriculture is too important for our country to be surrendered to multinational companies.

d)         Cancel the concession of airports to Adani Airports Holdings Limited

We are genuinely appalled at the gross irresponsibility displayed by the government officials who signed the concession of control and management of the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA) to Adani Airports Holdings Limited. The discussions on the matter in both National Assembly and Senate indicated that the approval of the Privately Initiated Proposal was fast-tracked and lacked the necessary scrutiny. What is that the Kenya Airports Authority is unable to do that the foreigners will do? Were the approvals informed by genuine need or driven by corruption?

4.         Impeachment of the Deputy President

The Constitution of Kenya 2010 provides for the impeachment of the President and Governors and their Deputies, and has outlined clear procedures for the same. To this extent, the Members of the National Assembly are exercising a mandate placed on them by the Constitution as they deliberate on the motion seeking impeachment of Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua. Nonetheless, we call upon Parliamentarians to take the views expressed in the public participation sessions seriously, and not ignore it as has been witnessed in the past.

We are however concerned that this process is ostensibly being used to divert the citizens from the salient issues that are killing the nation. We indeed wish that the Members of Parliament exercised similar energy and resources on matters that are priority to the lives of the people of Kenya.

We appeal to all Kenyans, and especially the residents of Nairobi, to remain peaceful regardless of the outcome of the impeachment process.


We conclude our message by recalling the guidance God has given in Jeremiah 22: 3

This is what the Lord says: Do what is just and right. Rescue from the hand of his oppressor the one who has been robbed. Do no wrong or violence to the alien, the fatherless or the widow, and do not shed innocent blood in this place.

And also in Surah Ar-Raid 11

Indeed, Allah would never change a people’s state of favour until they change their own state of faith.

We appeal to all Kenyans to actively increase the pressure in demanding for good governance and accountability from all political leaders. On our part, we have committed to resume the commitment to deny politicians access to pulpits in our places of worship.

May God bless the Nairobi County and entire nation now and always.

Signed on this 8rd day of October 2024 at Christian Students Leadrship Center (Ufungamano House), Nairobi.

Rev Dr Alphonse Kanga

NCCK Nairobi Region

Simon Muiruri

KCCB Nairobi

Salim Ibrahim

SUPKEM Nairobi

October 2024

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