A Call for Accountable and Transparent Leadership
April 2, 2024

The NCCK Bomet County Coordinating Committee (CCC) in the South Rift Region, has met today 13th March 2024 here at ACK St. Stephen’s Church, Bomet. During the meeting, we took time to pray for the County and our Nation in such a time when we are experiencing real economic hardships and socio-political dynamics. This is our message of hope to all Kenyans to remain optimistic, vigilant, and remain to sober against the challenges.
We encourage Kenyans from the holy scriptures, Hebrews 12: 14;
“Make every effort to live in peace with all men
And to be Holy; without holiness, no one will see the Lord”
We also have the following issues we wish to share with Bomet County Government and the National Government:
- Cushion Kenyans from High Cost of Living and Stop Corruption
Your Excellency the President, Kenyans are suffering due to the hard economic times characterized by the high cost of living. The Kenyan households are overburdened. Kenyans need a reprieve. We understand the global challenges that have worsened our nation’s economic status. However, we believe the government has means and measures to cushion the electorate from their sufferings. The continued increase of high taxation, excessive external borrowing, wastage of public resources, and corruption have made our economic situation worse. Businesses are collapsing, increase in unemployment, and a mental breakdown of many Kenyans among other issues that are draining us.
We firmly ask all levels of government to:
- Conduct an impartial investigation and prosecute all corruption cases, and reinstate and strengthen wealth declaration for all civil servants. The ODPP should stop withdrawing corruption cases and let the law follow its cause in the determination of the cases.
- Strategic recovery of the Kenyan economy against the global economic swings affecting all nations. The national government to be deliberate in its economic recovery measures; desist from further borrowing, account for every loan borrowed, hold public officers accountable for resource wastage
- Increase the social protection funds and expand the programs for more impact and transformation of lives. This will cushion the elderly and vulnerable from the high cost of living. The government to consider increasing the Inua Jamii disbursement to suit the current cost of living.
- Reduction of high taxation and stop the introduction of new taxes. And if it is a must, we ask for a gradual introduction of the new taxes and increments. Increase in taxation and introduction, proper public participation should be done at all levels.
- Ask for Accountability and Transparency in the Development and Quality Service Delivery In Bomet County
On our call for accountable and transparent leadership that leads to sustainable development and quality service, we ask the following;
- Audit of County service delivery and projects to enhance accountability and transparency from the county government of Bomet.
- Bomet County Government be intentional in engaging the Church to actively participate in public participation processes, especially in the budget-making processes in Bomet County. The church is ready to support the County Government on the basis that the Church is engaged meaningfully in development. The Church pledges to mobilize her congregants to attend all the public forums if we are informed and information is provided in time for meaningful public participation.
- We are calling upon the County Assembly of Bomet to legislate a Ward Development fund to spur economic growth at the grassroots levels. To prevent devolving corruption further to the grassroots levels the citizens should be empowered how to demand accountability and transparency on resource allocation and utilization.
- We urge HE The Governor of Bomet County to address the continuing employment wrangles within his county government. We call upon the County Service Board and County Secretary to ensure the residents continue to enjoy quality service delivery without any disruption emanating from the employer-employee issues.
- Mitigate Climate Change: Conserve Environment and Promote Sustainable Agriculture
Kenya’s Vision 2030 envisions reduced environmental pollution and general degradation. The Mau Complex ecosystem is a critical natural resource in Bomet County and a source of livelihood for many households in Bomet, Narok, Narok, and Kericho Counties. We highly recommend the governments for the conservation initiatives in Mau Complex.
We highly recommend the following;
- The relevant County Ministries in Environment and Land to collaborate to continue with the conservation efforts in the Mau Forest Complex Ecosystem.
- The Ministry of Agriculture in Bomet County Government to raise awareness and capacity build the community members in sustainable Land use and development.
- Bomet County Government and NEMA to enforce laws and policies prohibiting harmful land use such as poor farming methods, destruction of community water catchment areas, and car wash businesses along Bomet County Rivers.
- To discourage the community members from further degrading the environment in the County, the Bomet County Government ought to promote the adoption of alternative and sustainable livelihoods and efficient energy options among the members of the community.
- To promote sustainable agriculture, we request opening up more access points for the subsidy fertilizer, supporting agriculture extension services, and promoting dairy farming.
We call upon all Kenyans and the residents of Bomet County to live in harmony and optimistic of good things to come for the Lord is with us.
Signed on this day 13th March, 2024 at ACK St. Stephen Church, Bomet town.
Ven. Philemon Rotich
NCCK Bomet County Coordinating Committee Chairman