Douglas Muchina
April 9, 2014
NAME: Douglas Muchina
REGION: Central
I am in charge of youth in Mt. Kenya region with PCEA.
Following the skills learnt in a number of courses I have attended, I have been able to enrich the young people within the region.
I have been handling a topic on responsible living. In this, I have helped young people to see through their life, as in where they were, are and together we get a way forward.
This happens whenever I have an engagement with the young people i.e. through seminar, rallies, conferences etc. Last year, I had a youth conference at Othaya Boys High School that involved 460 young people. It was a five days conference and after going through the topic mentioned above among others, the young people came up with the following resolutions.
i) To say no to drug and substance abuse
ii) No to pre-marital sex
iii) To always participate positively into things / ways that can make them, community and national at large successful.
iv) Influence their agemates to be responsible.