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Lower Eastern Region

NCCK LE covers the Eastern Counties in Kenya that include Machakos, Makueni, Kajiado and Kitui. It has regional offices in Machakos town The region hosts majorly the Kamba and Masai communities, with fewer numbers of other tribes settling in the towns and along the borders. The region covers approximately 65,775 km² with a population of 2,105,493 as per the Kenya 2019 Census report. The climatic conditions are mostly semi arid with most residents engaging in small scale farming and pastoralism. The main food crops grown are maize, beans, pigeon peas, sorghum and millet. The region prides in coffee, green grams, honey and fruits such as mangoes and oranges production for local consumption and export. Small scale businesses and livestock trade for goats and cattle are major sources of income for most households. The proximity to Nairobi and Mombasa Counties and the presence Mombasa Highway has opened the region to vibrant inter county trade which has boosted the region’s economy

The main protestant denominations in the region include ABC, ACK, Salvation Army, Full Gospel, PCEA, PEFA and KAG. The Region is headed by a Regional Committee and County Coordinating Committees (CCCs) which are constituted by the NCCK membership within the region. Consequently, this scales down to sub-county and ward pastor’s fellowship for effectiveness in mobilization, coordination and oversight of programme work and fellowship. Regional work is coordinated by the Regional Manager, Regional Project officer, Administrative Secretary and a driver.

NCCK Lower Eastern Programmes:

Leadership and capacity building:

  • The organization has endeavored to build capacity and empower the clergy and citizenry through the thematic areas to facilitate their engagement in the community for holistic transformation of lives
  • Church empowerment has been facilitated through introduction of Church and Community mobilization (CCMP) process. Success has been reported in 2 ABC pilot sites and over 40 trained clergy are citing improvement in their churches

Governance, Peace and Security:

  • Civic education has been a key drive for meaningful public participation geared at peaceful and credible elections, transparency in public finance management and advocacy in county governance processes through development of CIDP and County bills. Over 200 CORPs are trained for engagement across the region
  • NCCK has been on the fore front leading advocacy for better service delivery and justice by organizing state and non state actor’s stakeholder’s dialogue meetings to deliberate on county need priorities and providing opportunities for duty bearers to respond to right holders and get their recommendations.
  • NCCK has mobilized clergy to pray, advocate and lead peace initiatives for peace across the region

Climate change, food security and natural resource management

  • Implementing Climate smart agricultural technologies to improve food security and create resilience to climate change impacts. Over 500 direct beneficiaries reached with 100s of sporadic adopters within the project areas
  • Promotion of drought resistant crops such as ndengu, sorghum and millet
  • Sensitization on alternative livelihood income options to improve adaptability
  • Advocacy for profitable value chains support by the State and Non state actors

Education, Nutrition and Health

  • Yearly Scholarships for  needy children through secondary education
  • Conducting health campaigns such as HIV testing, hand washing
  • Participation in County policies’ development for better service delivery in education and health sectors
  • Promoting vegetables and fruit growing to enhance household nutrition levels

The regional offices are located at Africa Brotherhood Church (ABC) Headquarters, Machakos Town. P.O. BOX 2234, Machakos. Contact : +254 0713501697 Email:

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