Mary Gathoni
March 16, 2018
The Bitter Me
My name is Mary Gathoni. I am 16 years old and I come from a small village in Nairobi county, Dagoretti sub-county known as Mukarara. I come from a very humble background consisting of 2 siblings, an aunt,my dad, and uncle and a grandfather. I was enrolled to the sponsorship program in the year 2016. I am still in secondary school, which I will be finishing next year.
During the year 2013, my mum passed on and left me in the care of those mentioned above. When I joined form one, they struggled a lot to pay my school fees. In form two third term, my grandmother also passed away due to cancer. I was mad, bitter and angry with life for that but I came to accept it with some time though the bitterness never left my heart. But when I came to know of NCCK, the bitterness started to fade slowly.
The have helped me a lot in focusing on the future and not dwelling on the past. My attitude has also changed a lot, thanks to the NCCK. I also grew a lot spiritually and academically. I also become more obedient at home and at school.
I dream of becoming an astrologist in future and conquering all my challenges.
My most favorite and inspiring quotes come from earth’s greatest men: Abraham Lincoln, Albert Einstein and many more. They include:
- Whoever you are, be the best.
- The dangers of the world we are living in is not that people aim high and miss. It’s that they aim low and hit.
- Life is not a wish-granting factory.