NCCK Guidelines for Ministering to Political Leaders and Aspirants
October 7, 2021
NCCK Guidelines for Ministering to Political Leaders and Aspirants
During the 64th General Assembly held from August 23-26, 2021 at Jumuia Conference and Country Home, Limuru, the National Council of Churches of Kenya (NCCK):
CONCERNED that politicians were consistently passing messages of hate, division and discord from the pulpit and in churches;
ACKNOWLEDGING that church services are attended by worshippers drawn from different political parties, opinions and ethnic communities;
COMMITTED to nurturing and protecting the wellbeing of the individual, the family, the community and the nation;
RECOGNISING that politics of hatred and division foster a contest of “us” versus “them” during seasons of General Elections, which in 2007 led the nation to the brink;
GUIDED by Matthew 6:1-4 which commands Christians to give their offerings and donations without announcing with trumpets and not to let the left hand know what the right hand is doing.
The General Assembly RESOLVED to issue the following Guidelines on Ministering to Politicians Before, During and After the 2022 General Elections:
- Participating in Worship Services
Churches to welcome political leaders and aspirants so that they are ministered to
The worship service programme should flow as set and the political leader or aspirant to participate same as other worshippers
Churches to endeavor to minister to aspirants from the different political persuasions, and to pray for each when they attend the service
Church leaders to avoid anointing or commissioning any individuals to be aspirants or to declare any to be the God-ordained candidate
- Speaking to the Congregation
No political leader or aspirant to allowed to speak to the congregation from the pulpit
Political leaders and aspirants to be encouraged to speak to the congregants after worship service
Clergy in charge to agree with the political leader or aspirant what they will speak about to the congregants to avoid foul language and incitement
Should a political leader or aspirant be allowed to speak during the worship service, they must be stopped from campaigning
- Contributions and Offerings
Churches can receive contributions and offerings from political leaders and aspirants
The giving of such contributions should not be used as campaign forums or to access the pulpit for political messaging
Churches will avoid announcing contributions by politicians or aspirants unless the contributions of all other congregants are being announced
- Accountability Forums
To the greatest extent possible, congregants will be organized to develop manifestoes to present to political leaders and aspirants
The manifesto will be developed either by the whole congregation, or through the different groups such as men, women, and youth
The manifestoes will indicate what the congregation expects of the person who will be elected Member of County Assembly, Member of National Assembly, Women Representative, Senator, Governor or President
The Clergy in Charge will present the manifesto on behalf of the congregation, or create a forum after the service where the different groups engage the aspirant who attend a worship service