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Membership of NCCK



Basis of Membership

The National Council of Churches of Kenya is a family of Christian communions and organisations in fellowship and witness. A member of the NCCK must be registered in Kenya.

While recognizing that each church and organization has its own basis or order or doctrine, all the members of the Council accept a common doctrinal statement as a declaration of their essential spiritual unity.

In the doctrinal statement, the members of NCCK are united in confessing the faith to which the church has ever witnessed in One Triune God, Father Son and Holy Spirit, worshipping the Father revealed to the world in Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit.

They also hold the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments as being God’s revelation of Himself to the world, and that these contain all things necessary for salvation and are supreme and decisive standards of faith and conduct to which all teachings and all creeds and confessions are subordinate


Categories of Membership

There are three categories of membership in the NCCK:


  1. Full Membership

This is open to all churches duly constituted in Kenya.


  1. Associate Membership

Open to all locally constituted Christian organisations, fellowships or groups organized to promote some definite Christian activities not directly under any church as defined above.


  1. Fraternal Membership

Open to any group which does not wish to or is unable to accept the basis of membership but nevertheless would like to have a fraternal relationship with the Council.


  1. Probationary Membership

Applicants for full membership, if approved by the Council, are in all cases first accepted into probationary membership. This is to allow the members of the Council to be acquainted with the applicant and for the applicant to appreciate the responsibilities of membership.


Current Members of NCCK


  1. Full Members
  1. Africa Brotherhood Church
  2. African Christian Church and Schools
  3. African Church of the Holy Spirit
  4. African Independent Pentecostal Church of Africa
  5. African Interior Church
  6. African Israel Nineveh Church
  7. African Orthodox Church in Kenya
  8. Anglican Church of Kenya
  9. Church of Africa Sinai Mission
  10. Church of Christ in Africa
  11. Church of God East Africa (Kenya)
  12. Coptic Orthodox Church
  13. Episcopal Church of Africa
  14. Evangelical Lutheran Church of Kenya
  15. Free Methodist Church in Kenya
  16. Free Pentecostal Fellowship in Kenya
  17. Friends Church in Kenya (Quakers)
  18. Full Gospel Churches of Kenya
  19. Kenya Assemblies of God
  20. Kenya Evangelical Lutheran Church
  21. Kenya Mennonite Church
  22. Lyahuka Church of East Africa
  23. Maranatha Faith Assemblies
  24. Methodist Church in Kenya
  25. National Independent Church of Africa
  26. Overcoming Faith Center Church of Kenya
  27. Pentecostal Evangelistic Fellowship of Africa
  28. Presbyterian Church of East Africa
  29. Reformed Church of East Africa
  30. Scriptural Holiness Mission
  31. The Salvation Army
  32. Zion Harvest Mission


  1. Associate Members
  1. Bible Society of Kenya
  2. Christian Churches Education Association
  3. Christian Health Association of Kenya
  4. Christian Hostels Fellowship
  5. Fellowship of Christian Unions
  6. Kenya Ecumenical Church Loan Fund
  7. Kenya Students Christian Fellowship
  8. Kenya United Independent Churches
  9. Public Law Institute
  10. Scripture Union
  11. St Paul’s University
  12. Young Men’s Christian Association
  13. Young Women’s Christian Association


  1. Fraternal Members
  1. African Evangelistic Enterprise
  2. Daystar University
  3. Trans World Radio
  4. Trinity Fellowship
  5. World Vision

One comment on “Membership of NCCK

[…] said there are more than 10,000 churches in Kenya, but only 32 are registered members of the National Council of Churches in […]

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