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Tharaka Nithi County Coordinating Committee Press Statement


Press Statement


  1. Introduction

The Tharaka Nithi County Coordinating Committee members of the NCCK Upper Eastern Region has met here at Cool Mont Hotel, at Kathwana in Tharaka Nithi County, today April 28th, 2021 to transact statutory business and also reflect on the state of the Tharaka Nithi County. During the meeting, the members considered the scripture recorded in Haggai 1:1-8 that reminds us that God is still concerned with us and He requires us to consider our ways, and not to compromise because God is looking for people who are steady in faith.


  1. Issues raised by the Tharaka Nithi County clergy.

During a scenario building session today, the NCCK Tharaka Nithi County clergy to review the BBI processes, the likely to happen referendum and the upcoming 2022 General Election and what is likely to happen and to give our recommendations. They noted that majority of the populace in the County do not have any understanding about BBI. Citizens are following what politicians say. The MCAs passed the BBI report because of the promise of car grant and under intimidation. The chiefs were forced & used unconstitutional means to acquire signatures to pass BBI. The Super Tuesday was rigged through corruption, intimidation and threats.  BBI has divided people depending on who they follow between the President and the Deputy President. The BBI has already burnt down the existing bridges and therefore it is a fallacy to say they are Building Bridges. In fact, the nation is more polarized than it was before BBI.  It has brought about tension and it affects church and communities. Even the hurried move to appoint IEBC commissioners now is still a wider scheme to rig the referendum. We actually feel that the Huduma number was also put in place for rigging. BBI is a big distractor of developments e.g the big 4 agenda are no longer heard of.


The citizens are calm about BBI because of their fear of the state threats and intimidation. Otherwise, it is a state of, “being calm before a storm”. Chaos are likely to erupt.


As it is now, citizens are confused about the direction BBI process is taking. BBI is not a priority. Covid 19 pandemic has taken toll on the economic state of people and ways to counter its impacts should be a priority. The funds set for the referendum should be used to cushion the economy and combat covid-19.


The issue of delimitation of boundaries for more constituencies mentioned in the BBI report is mandated to IEBC and therefore IEBC should take full responsibility and be fair in the allocation. The BBI purport to usurp the constitutional mandate of the IEBC is wrong and they should stop. The issue is already causing commotion and building tension among Tharaka Nithi County residents.


Going forward, the state of peace and security in Tharaka Nithi County and in the entire Country is likely to be affected if no efforts are put towards peace & cohesion building.

  1. Recommendations;

The NCCK Tharaka Nithi County Coordinating Committee wishes to make the following recommendations to various stakeholders;

  1. To all citizens of Meru County

The NCCK Tharaka Nithi County Church leadership calls upon all the Tharaka Nithi County Citizens and Kenya at large to stand firm and not to allow politicians to divide them. We should love one another and maintain peace.  No resident in Tharaka Nithi County or any other County in Kenya, should suffer or die because of either referendum, the upcoming 2022 elections, or any type of insecurity. Say NO to any form of violence. In addition, Covid 19 Pandemic is real and we call upon all the citizens of Tharaka Nithi County and Kenya at large to continue observing the MOH guidelines and protocols; Keep social distance, wash your hands regularly and wear masks.


  1. To the proponents of BBI

We call upon the BBI proponents to conduct rigorous and credible Civic Education to enlighten citizens at the grass root level on the issues in the BBI. That is the only way to appreciate the content and make an informed decision.

The executive arm of government is okay the way it is now; we don’t need more positions because there is no way we can have all tribes at the top. We recommend that the BBI process be withheld until the General Elections are conducted.


  • To the County & National Government

We the NCCK Tharaka Nithi Church leadership urge both the County & National County governments to listen to the cry of people on the ground due to the economic hardships and the Covid 19 pandemic pangs.


  1. To the parliament

The parliament & senate are our representatives and they should not be used as conveyor belts for BBI. They should voice Ciambai’s and Karimi’s voice. Your mandate is well cut out in the constitution on the legislative process. You should play a proper role in protecting the constitution and its institutions by ensuring that the BBI report does not cause a confusion in the country by passing a law without interrogating its implication properly.



  1. To the Religious Leaders

The NCCK Tharaka Nithi County Church leadership urges the religious leaders to represent the views of their followers and not to be compromised by political selfish interests.


  1. To the Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) for example the Faith Based Organizations

Let the Civil Society Organizations and Faith Based Organizations play their role in enlightening citizens on the BBI issues and electoral processes in general. Conduct civic education to citizens.

  • Conclusion

In conclusion, may God help the Tharaka Nithi County and all Kenyan citizens to always promote peace, justice and cohesion. We urge the proponents of the constitutional amendment process to take the initiative to bridge the divergent views and have consensus on contentious issues. As we stand BBI Process has so far succeeded in dividing Kenyans further, but it is not too late to make things right. We therefore call upon all Christians and God fearing citizens to continue praying for Tharaka Nithi County and our country at large.


Signed on this 28th day of April 2021 at the Cool Mont Hotel, Tharaka Nithi.




Name: Rev. Samuel Muratha

Chairperson, NCCK Tharaka Nithi County Coordinating Committee



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