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VSLA Inspiring Hope: The Journey of Tene ne Tene Group

VSLA Inspiring Hope: The Journey of Tene ne Tene Group

In the Kilawa sub-location, deep in Athi Ward of Kitui County, a silent transformation is taking place, converting sceptics into believers.

In April 2024, Tene ne Tene, a Village Savings and Loan Association (VSLA) group, was born as part of a broader initiative under the National Council of Churches of Kenya (NCCK)’s Nature Positive Project.

There was little hope for the group when it first began. Many members had doubts about its ability to actually improve their lives. Some even needed to be coerced, if not openly forced by other members, to go to the group’s gatherings.

But four months later, Tene ne Tene is experiencing renewed enthusiasm, and the group’s accomplishments are quieting the sceptics. The group, which boast of 15 members, had saved Ksh30,000, with each member contributing between Ksh50 and Ksh250 per week.

Tene ne Tene started with a small mission: weekly savings to build a fund from which members could draw when needed. However, the group’s goals rose along with the savings. With their combined resources, the group decided to establish a goat-buying initiative. The plan was simple: buy goats for each group member to improve their economic condition.

So far, four of the 15 group members have received goats, and the others are excitedly awaiting their turn. Goats provide much more than simply the promise of milk and meat. They represent a sustainable source of income, allowing families to rely on, trade, and expand their assets as they see fit.

“At first, most of us didn’t believe in the concept, but we continued showing up. Now we can see the impact, and it gives us hope for the future,” said Emmanuel Wambua, Tene ne Tene chairperson.

Munyiva Paul, one of the group members, stated, “I am proud of this group. It is changing our lives, and we appreciate NCCK. We never expected to be here so quickly.”

Tene ne Tene is only one of the more than 100 VSLA groups NCCK established in the area as a component of the Nature Positive Project. In addition to savings and loan activities, VSLA groups, such as Tene ne Tene, frequently participate in environmental conservation efforts such as establishing tree nurseries, tree planting and social and water management.

The group’s tale will keep inspiring Kilawa and the larger Athi Ward as more goats are bought and livelihoods are bolstered. It demonstrates what is possible when people come together, believe in themselves, and take bold measures toward change.

October 2024

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