Who We Are
May 20, 2020
The National Council of Churches of Kenya (NCCK) is a family of Christian communions and organisations in fellowship and witness.
It was established in June 1913 during the United Missionary Conference held at Thogoto, near Nairobi. The delegates in the conference, representing the missionary institutions working in the country at the time, affirmed their wish to work towards a united church that would impact the lives of the people. This dream remains true and is reflected in the Vision and Mission statements of the Council, which read:
One Church; United in Faith and Mission Witnessing to Jesus Christ and Transforming Lives
Holistic transformation of lives for a just, resilient and sustainable society.
In all its work, the NCCK is informed by its core values, which are:
IF NCCK holistically strengthens her capabilities and structures, and enhances the institutional capacity and competencies of her members, THEN, she will contribute to the creation of a just, resilient and sustainable society for transformed lives.
To Manifest Christian faith and mission and strengthen members to fulfill their mandates.
The objectives of the Council are:
- To promote and facilitate fellowship, partnership and unity within the membership
- To promote consultations and joint action by the membership in all matters that bear upon our faith and witness, whether doctrinal, liturgical or missiological
- To build the capacities of the membership to enable them undertake their mission
- To facilitate the membership so that they can give expression to the Lordship of Christ over all aspects of human life and together with their communities identify needs, acquire necessary resources and promote services that is holistic, relevant and self sustaining
- To promote the Council’s corporate health, identity and growth for faithful and effective stewardship of the corporate vision, mission, heritage and sustainability